这款灯具借用蒲公英看似虚无、漂浮的形态,侧面反映人生本是虚实莫测。 巧用亚克力管的截面和管身的模块化组合,来设计光影的虚实关系。挂在家中,发人深思,美好的虚实光影折射出这场虚实难辨的人生,慢慢释放自己,寻找内心深处真理,给自己留下一片绚丽的天空,不论虚实。 This type of lamps and lanterns make use of the shape of dandelion which seems to be windy and floating so as to indirectly reflect the fact that life actually is unpredictable. With a skillful use of the section and pipe body of the PMMA pipe, the relations between emptiness and solidity of the light and shadow is designed. Such kind of lamps and lanterns hung in the home are thought-provoking.The beautiful shadow and light exactly reflect our life which is also hard to distinguish true and false. The lamps help us slowly release ourselves, search for our inner truth, and give ourselves a beautiful sky, regardless of the truth or false..