Based on the Crytek vegetation procedural animation.
That's nice. Speedtree has some nice animations too but I think they only work because the vertices have special data which hints how to move.
Is this one a bend along the y axis based on height combined with some high frequency waving based on weights assinged to the leave vertices?
For create animation i use vertex color.
red channel is used for the edge deformation.
green channel for the variation.
blue channel for the per-leaf bending.
I combine three Vertex Color and use it for create animation.
That's pretty much the same technique we used for the trees in the moebius house. We don't use a sine wave though, because that makes it too hard to change the wind speed dynamically. (Increased wind speed does not only increase the amplitude, it also increases the wavelength.)
Anuar, how do you export the vertex colors these days? (We are unable to do so with the latest panda X or opencollada export plugins.)
IN speedtree they have a low amplitude high frequency constant wave of the wind and then they add random gusts of wind. These are essential high frequency higher amplitude waves wich increase and decrease at random. I think it should be simple to make a function which moves the trees with a fixed wavelength/frequency ratio so the bigger the wind the faster everything moves and then insert a parameter which is either a slowly varying envelope or an operator for extra gusts of wind.