Alright, this is my last trail renderer I will post (wink). This trail renderer is designed specifically with melee trails in mind. It will track the path of its parent object and create a fluid arc between its saved points. You can set the distance between saved points, which gives you control over the accuracy of the interpolation. Increasing distance will produce more smoothed out arcs, where reducing distance will increase accuracy to the actual path.
[edit] Features
Set the fade out time (lifetime) when the trail is done emitting
Control when its done by simply turning off the "emit" property
Set any number of colors
Set any number of widths
Autodestructs when faded out
Set the interpolation distance
Set whether it always faces the camera
Set the number of segments to place between each interpolation distance
[edit] One-Time Use
This trail renderer is designed to be a one-time use component. There are several reasons for this, based on the way it is designed for optimization. When emitting is set to false, the trail renderer will stop adding new segments and fade out. The fade out time is set to the lifetime.
[edit] Image
[edit] C# - TrailArc.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TrailArc : MonoBehaviour
int savedIndex;
int pointIndex;
// Material - Particle Shader with "Tint Color" property