After playing with "An Ivy Generator"(found here) I thhought about how awesome it would be to be able to play with something like this directly in Sketchup. I therefore started to port the ivy generator to***by and Sketchup. As i now have working code with regards to the main parts of the algorithm, collition detection, adhesion and the growing of the ivy branches, i decided to post a proof of concept.
-Select "Sketchup Ivy 0.5" in the Plugins sub-menu
-Adjust Parameters in Menu
-Every time you click your left mouse button, the ivy will grow
-CTRL-Click for leafs (repeat as many times you want)
-When you're happy with the ivy Shift-click to make it into actual volumes.
- Never shift-click when there is more than 150 branches (information in the***by console). This will often cause a bugsplat (seems like sketchup realy, realy, realy doesn't like programmaticaly adding of entities or seemingly infinit loops :/ )
- For the adhesion to work, you have to be in the same scope (i made this to clearify (face.classify_point seems buggy)
- This script has only been tested in SU8. As far as i know this script might cause bugsplat infernos and generally fuck shit up in other versions
- If you find any bugs or problems please PM me If you're extra awesome attach the error description from the***by console.