Follow step by step guide below to convert your 3rd Person Shooter Demo from UnityTechnologies to First Person Shooter.
Move your Camera Near Player's arm and Attach it to Human game object. In my case x is -0.56, y is 1.38 and z is 0.025.
Edit your Shooter Game Camera script as below.
Edit your Normal Character FPS Script. Remove UpdateFacingDirection() function because the MouseLook script will take place for that. Also remove moveRotationSpeed variable and call to UpdateFacingDirection() function. Your script now looks like this.
Attach MouseLook script to camera and Human game object. Change Axes for camera to Mouse Y and for Human to Mouse X. You must have standard assets Character Controller package imported into project to have MouseLook script.
Change MouseLook script Update() function to LateUpdate() so the movements of the camera will follows work fluid with ShooterGameCamera script.
Chane HeadLookController's Responsiveness variables to 10 so it is better suited for First Person Shooter.
Now we have to fix the problem of camera when we die it is destroyed and our death looks unrealistic. Edit the RagdollInstantiater Script as below.
Now we almost complete our setup. Create new camera call it DeathCamera and assign it to RagdollInstantiater Script of Human GameObject. Change DeatCamera's x rotation to 90 so it sees player's head and disable the game object for now.
Enjoy your new First Person Shooter. Make sure you credit RBSoft and UnityTechnologies if you use this in your game. Modified scripts can be downloaded frombelow.